May 3, 2012

Post Op - Day 3

Day 3 

Twice a day Laura needs her pins cleaned.
Laura, are you ready? Laura, Are you awake?

Laura has about 10 stiches where her knee used to be and where the femur and tibia were fused together. The bones are held together by the external fixator.

Wait a minute, Are those wine corks?  We later found out that those pins are very sharp on the ends. The cork does a great job to protect Laura from the sharp pins.

Here's our happy girl after having her first pin cleaning, a sponge bath and a nice clean outfit w/ matching dress for Katya.

Laura played her new game donated by Shriners and cooled off her leg with an ice pack. I decided to start packing everything up to leave in the AM.

Do I have it all?

Later that evening we went for a walk and met a few of the other patients including another little boy with a prosthetic leg.

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