March 3, 2011

Back to school at long last!

Laura had a fabulous second day of school today!    
Laura started a 2 morning a week school program in early January but only attended one day. The day after she started school we got the call about her surgery being moved up. Laura talked often about school and was ready to go back. Her wonderful teacher, Ms. Kim was happy to have Laura back. She had kept up with us and even came to visit us once at our house while Laura was recovering. The preschool is at a Church and I was told Laura has been prayed for this whole time. We are so blessed!

The highlight of Laura's morning was ringing the bell at Chapel and singing songs. She also painted and cut out shapes. I believe Ms. Kim was also teaching the days of the week because Laura randomly said some days of the week this afternoon and this is something I hadn't taught her. I think Laura is a little sponge just soaking everything in. When we were leaving the school I wrote a check to the director and said out load to myself, "what is today's date?" which Laura answered, "it's Thursday!"

Patrick and I have a little joke that we'll remind each other of, and laugh, about Laura. At the orphanage, we recieved a document a few days into our bonding period, (after we agreed to adopt her). The document had info about Laura's leg, what shots she's had, just basic medical info. The document also said Laura had speech delay. We already knew they would tell us this because they tell this to everyone! Guess they want to cover all their bases. I'm no language expert but I'd venture to say after just 4 months home that Laura is speaking, in English, at least as well as a 3 year old! Speech delay huh?  No. We have one smart cookie here!

1 comment:

  1. Well! Now isn't this special for her? She gets to go to school and gets to pick up where she left off more than a month ago. You know, she can never have too many people praying for her. I love the smile on her face and seeing the rainbow and shamrock that she cut. She is a smart little girl. I've known this for quite some time now. After all, didn't she wait for you both to come and find her?
    Love, Memere
